• Question: what is your favourite invention ever?

    Asked by fkgblewisr735 to Robin, Usaid on 10 Mar 2012. This question was also asked by 09tolat1, siuki98.
    • Photo: Robin Stafford Allen

      Robin Stafford Allen answered on 10 Mar 2012:

      That is a very good question and I had to think long and hard about it. Although I love cars, I think i admire the bicycle more as an invention. For mankind the most useful is probably electricity from which came all the electronics that we all now take for granted. regards Robin.

    • Photo: Usaid Rauf

      Usaid Rauf answered on 22 Mar 2012:

      Mine’s the transistor. It’s an electric circuit component that allows logic to be processed.

      Without them, today we wouldn’t live in the Information Age.
