• Question: What do you plan to design/produce to help our generation?

    Asked by conor to Becky, Carrie, Kelly, Robin, Usaid on 15 Mar 2012. This question was also asked by alib123.
    • Photo: Robin Stafford Allen

      Robin Stafford Allen answered on 13 Mar 2012:

      Global warming is caused by carbon release caused by the burning of oil,gas and coal. The development of a successful fusion reactor would give an energy source which would give lots of energy without any carbon release. This would be a super gift to the next generation. regards Robin, and that was a good question!

    • Photo: Becky Selwyn

      Becky Selwyn answered on 15 Mar 2012:

      I want to work on renewable energies for my whole career so that we can reduce air pollution and slow down climate change.

    • Photo: Usaid Rauf

      Usaid Rauf answered on 23 Mar 2012:

      My company wants to build new nuclear power stations. These will help our generation by keeping our lights on and also creating new jobs and economic growth for the UK.
