• Question: Were you inspired by anyone to become an engineer?

    Asked by 09glena1 to Becky, Carrie, Kelly, Robin, Usaid on 10 Mar 2012. This question was also asked by janey, escammell10, florencebeanbag, oneillm.
    • Photo: Robin Stafford Allen

      Robin Stafford Allen answered on 10 Mar 2012:

      @09glena1: I had the most amazing father who was an aeronautical engineer (designs aeroplanes) and was a flight engineer in the RAF in the war. He used to encourage me to take the lawnmower or the rotivator to bits and repair them, and then I had a small motorbike (BSA) and my first car when I was 12, which of course could only be driven about 50 yards as it was not, of course, allowed on the roads (it was too old and i was too young!), but I could take it to bits and put it back together to keep it going. Regards Robin

    • Photo: Usaid Rauf

      Usaid Rauf answered on 22 Mar 2012:

      I wasn’t inspired by any single person. I think I was really captivated by the subject of engineering itself. I was amazed at what you could do and what has already been done.

      Then again, I grew up near Brunel University, so maybe that influenced me…
