• Question: this phd you are doing, what will this allow you to do in the future?

    Asked by likeaboss to Becky, Carrie, Kelly, Robin, Usaid on 15 Mar 2012. This question was also asked by moonlight3671, redheadmoo.
    • Photo: Becky Selwyn

      Becky Selwyn answered on 13 Mar 2012:

      It gives me all the options that doing a degree gave me, plus some extras. The PhD is a way of being trained in how to carry out a big research project. I will then be able to get a job doing more research and development for a company. It also opens up academic jobs, so I could keep working in a university doing research, or start doing some lecturing as well as carrying on with the research.
      At the moment I like the idea of becoming a lecturer so I can teach as well as carrying on with research that interests me.

    • Photo: Robin Stafford Allen

      Robin Stafford Allen answered on 15 Mar 2012:

      I am not doing a PHd but if I did then I would be called Dr Stafford Allen, which would be cool. However I missed my chance when I was younger.
